1. Yoga has considered all aspects of Obesity (physical, emotional and mental)
2. Regular practice of Yoga and controlled life style reduces obesity (weight is reduced).
3. Yoga makes human being agile, efficient and slim.
4. Yoga is suitable for people in any age group.
5. Yoga helps achieve control over mind and behavior (one can easily control food habits and change life style to reduce the obesity.)
6. Yoga has different effect on obesity, which is permanent in nature than other techniques for obesity reduction. Weight loss is permanent but one needs to practice few important techniques regularly.
1. Obesity increases weight, reduces physical movements, and also brings in slowness in emotional and mental activities.
2. Food intake increases.
3. Obesity can result in frustration.
4. Laziness increases, reducing overall efficiency.
5. Sometimes obesity can create obstruction to breathing process.
6. Obesity may result in heart problems, diabetes or blood pressure.
2. Food intake increases.
3. Obesity can result in frustration.
4. Laziness increases, reducing overall efficiency.
5. Sometimes obesity can create obstruction to breathing process.
6. Obesity may result in heart problems, diabetes or blood pressure.
1. Excess consumption of fats, protein diet
2. Eating food, which is sugar rich
3. Consuming food all the time, which includes milk, butter, cheese, oily food, non-vegetarian food, tea, coffee, bakery products, rice etc.
4. Not eating raw food, fruits, vegetables rich in fibers
Obesity because of physical problems
1. Obesity can be hereditary
2. Digestive disorders may result in obesity
3. Improper functioning of Endocrine gland system
4. Problems in the nervous system
5. Imbalance in emotional and mental activities
2. Digestive disorders may result in obesity
3. Improper functioning of Endocrine gland system
4. Problems in the nervous system
5. Imbalance in emotional and mental activities
Obesity as a result of life style
1. Lack of exercise
2. No physical movement, driving cars and other vehicles
3. Sitting and watching TV, movies, working on computers
4. Consuming cold food from fridge all the time
2. No physical movement, driving cars and other vehicles
3. Sitting and watching TV, movies, working on computers
4. Consuming cold food from fridge all the time
Practice of Yoga and various exercises
1. Regular exercise like running, swimming etc
2. Yogasanas like Paschimotannasana, SaralHastaBhujangasana, Sarvangasana, Halasana, Dhanurasana, Veerasana, Trikonasana, ArdhaMatsyendrasana etc
3. Along with Yogasanas Sun salutation is very effective for obesity reduction, also Pranayama, cleansing processes like agnisar, uddiyan bandha etc helps
2. Yogasanas like Paschimotannasana, SaralHastaBhujangasana, Sarvangasana, Halasana, Dhanurasana, Veerasana, Trikonasana, ArdhaMatsyendrasana etc
3. Along with Yogasanas Sun salutation is very effective for obesity reduction, also Pranayama, cleansing processes like agnisar, uddiyan bandha etc helps
Food habits
1. The lunch and dinner timings should be fixed
2. The time difference 2 meals should be 4 hours
3. Low fat meal, with fiber rich vegetables and fruits should be taken.
4. Reduce fats, excess calories, sweets, milk, butter, cheese etc in meals.
2. The time difference 2 meals should be 4 hours
3. Low fat meal, with fiber rich vegetables and fruits should be taken.
4. Reduce fats, excess calories, sweets, milk, butter, cheese etc in meals.
Other useful habits
1. Do not sleep for more than 6 to 7 hours
2. Try to stop addictions such as smoking, drinking alcohol or any other drugs.
3. Taking help from dietician, one should fix the daily diet schedule.
4. If possible take massage and steam bath regularly.
2. Try to stop addictions such as smoking, drinking alcohol or any other drugs.
3. Taking help from dietician, one should fix the daily diet schedule.
4. If possible take massage and steam bath regularly.
Regular practice of Yoga can certainly reduce the obesity and weight loss, but one needs to learn specific Yoga Techniques, which are more effective for reducing the weight. We will be studying such techniques in this article, Yoga Vidya Dham has a separate Obesity Reduction Program, more than 5000 people have been benefited by this program.
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