Thursday, June 19, 2008

Pranayama > Anuloma Viloma

This pranayama manipulates the flow of energy through the nadis (channels) in your body and ultimately brings about a balance of both stimulation and relaxation.

1. Using your right hand close your nostrils:

a)Tuck your index and middle fingers into the palm of your hand.

b)Use your thumb to close your right nostril.

c)Use your ring and little fingers together to close your left nostril.

2. Breathe in through the left nostril closing the right.

3. Hold breath, closing both nostrils.

4. Breathe out through the right nostril keeping the left nostril closed.

5. Breathe in through the right nostril keeping the left nostril closed.

6. Hold the breath, closing both nostrils. 7. Breathe out through the left nostril keeping the right closed.

8. Count to two when inhaling, hold for the count of eight then exhale to the count of four.

9. Start with eight rounds build up to sixteen rounds.


1. Try to make the inhalation and exhalation of equal length.

2. Take care not to strain.

3. Try to make every breath soft and gentle.

4. Count to two when inhaling, hold for the count of eight then exhale to the count of four.


1. Anuloma Viloma restores the natural balance in your breathing.

2. It will remove tension, fear, and worry and will make the mind calm, poised and serene.

3. Through the practice of this Pranayama, happiness, health, vigour and melodious voice can be attained.

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