Sunday, June 29, 2008

Bhramari Breathing

In this breathing practice a soft "humming-bee" sound is produced during exhalation. So this pranyama is named Bhramari. Sequence:
1. Sit in a comfortable posture keeping the head, beck and spine erect.
2. Place the right thumb against the right nostril but do not close it.
3. Inhale slowly and deeply through both nostrils.
4. Press the right nostril with the right thumbs.
5. Retain the breath for a while, then exhale touching the lungs throat area and larynx.
6. While inhaling and exhaling, concentrate the conscious mind on the throat and produce a humming sound like the buzzing of a bee.

Take care not to strain.

1. It makes the voice sweet and gently, and helps clarity of speech.
2. It is useful for hypertension and depression and aids brain cells.
3. Breathing becomes deep and subtle.
4. The extended exhalation in this breathing exercise is very good for pregnant women in preparation for labor.

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